Fired for logging off my work account????

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New Member
My boss is threatening to fire me for locking my keyboard and/or logging out when I go to lunch or end my shift. Our company is small, only 6 people. We each have a network log in that we are required to use to access email, programs, etc. My boss is insisting that we each have the same password naming convention so we can access each other's machines if one of us is out of the office.

I have complained about this practice before when a co-worker sent false information through email using my account, but my boss insists that we need to know everybody's passwords. I was told that I am not to lock my keyboard when I leave (an old habit from my previous job) or to log out. I am to have my account logged in on that machine in case I'm sick or I go to lunch or a meeting. We do have the ability to log on to multiple machines at once, it doesn't kick you off or anything, so I don't see the issue logging off if someone else can log in and use the machine. There is no written company policy concerning this, in fact, the company that supplies our computer services has told my boss that they cannot and will not give her any passwords they will only change a password in order for her to have access to the account in question.

I have explained that I feel very uncomfortable with leaving the machine logged in to my account due to sensitive information we have access to; ie financial records, personal information including email, addresses, passwords, ssn #s, birthdays, license numbers, letters of reprimand, etc.

I don't understand how I can be fired for securing the network and protecting my login. Can I be fired for being too secure?
Yes, you can. If the boss has told you not to lock your keyboard, then you can be fired for disobeying a direct order, whether you are "uncomfortable" with leaving it unlocked or not.
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