Fighting Collections for "Fix it" Ticket

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I allowed a "fix it" citation (no front license plate) to slip into collections due to various extenuating circumstances (relocating, job lay-off and family illness). Anyway, what was a simple fix it ticket is now in collections for $800. I haven't paid anything yet. Can I still take care of the ticket with the DMV? Can I go to court? Is it too late?
You will have to go through the court. It may not be possible to go back to court on the citation, so you will have to check on that.

You may also want to check your license status. if you failed to appear in court to handle the citation, it is very likely that your license is also suspended or that a hold has been placed upon it.

- Carl
Thank you very much for the info. It turns out that there was a court date (never got the paperwork) and I "failed to appear". They have not suspended my license yet, but it was close. The $800 are the fines that I will end up paying, I just wish I hadn't let it get to this point. Oh well, $800 lesson....
I wouldn't pay the $800... that is very excessive. Even if you did not receive the paperwork telling you to appear in court, you did know that you had been cited and should have checked up on it on your own... even so, the initial penalty is something like $25. There is no justification for how that can jump to $800. Get the issue back into court and it will certainly be reduced to a reasonable amount.
However, if you pay the $800 you will never see it again.
Depending on the time that has passed, it may be too late to take it back to court. He will have to look into it.

- Carl
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