Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Federal process

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New Member
I need information about how the BCI or Bureau of criminal Investigation. I understand they assist county state and federal problems. What's the wait time as far as arrest complaint? Do they indict? Or do they just wait till the evidence is approved. I was a witness at first, then they said it was me.
How did your issue get outside of local law enforcement or are you projecting things that have not or likely wont happen?
I need information about how the BCI or Bureau of criminal Investigation. I understand they assist county state and federal problems. What's the wait time as far as arrest complaint? Do they indict? Or do they just wait till the evidence is approved. I was a witness at first, then they said it was me.

In what state was this alleged to have occurred?

BCI is NOT a federal agency.

It sounds reminiscent of certain state investigative agenccies.

No one can predict if you'll get indicted.
If you are, they'll contact you.
I suggest you wait, don't kick a sleeping dog.
If you are indicted, make no statements other than name, date of birth, address. Admit to nothing, agree to nothing, but be polite and courteous. Ask to speak with a lawyer, plead not guilty, hire a lawyer, or ask the court to appoint one to represent you at taxpayer expense. Do not speak to relatives,friends,or anyone in jail about this matter. Do not discuss anything about your case with a future cell ate, or anyone that you might call from any jail.

While you're free, speak to a couple of local criminal defense lawyers and ask questions. They can tell you about how this works in your area. Discuss the costs of bond with local bail bonds companies. Get ready, if it happens.
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