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Hello my name is Amy. Im Mother of a 2 yr. Old son born the day my Father passed away on 11/6/14.

His wife my step mother told me I was excused from his will. Upon me asking for a copy.
Quickly selling their jointly shared property with My family that we resided on after in February 2015. I was Escorted off by police. And tresspassed. Forcing my son and I to the street leaving us in total and complete destitute ever since.
. I have not been able to reach or speak to her.

My father built my house with his own hands, and craftmanship.
My name was in the foundation. I resided there for 30yrs.
It was my permanent life home. It was just said that that was my home forever. Everyone and anyone who knew my family knew that home was mine for the rest my life...

I'm now after sometime of research I find his will on deposit at the clerk of courts. On 2/15/15.
Please help me get my home back...
Is there anything you can help me with? Thank you for your time.
Please accept my condolences upon the passing of your father.

Being related to someone doesn't mean you'll inherit their property upon their demise.

I suggest you meet with a FL licensed attorney.
He or she can better explain why your father's wife inherited everything, including their home.
Usually the first meeting with a lawyer is provided at no cost to you, other than your time.

I wish you well, but you'll have to learn how to move on, perhaps grief counseling could help.
Thank you much.
I just can't see that I was so close to my Father. (Only child syndrome) He was my bestfriend. He passed of Sysorsic , I was at his bed side till I delivered my son.
I guess grief counseling is an option. Thank you.
I didn't even get a photo album of my family . or a tackle box for my son. I was left with nothing to remember him by...
Today can be the first day of the rest of my life. Thank you
I was unable to provide for my son, and the state now has him in custody.also, being on disability since 05' . & on medications for 16 yrs. for multiple reasons due to chronic pain, and side effects from Chemo Therapy
I was diagnosed with AML Lukemia in 2005. now in remission.
Life hasn't been so easy for me. I just was hoping there was a chance of some recovery in this loss to restore my property. I have recently filed a 1983 with the federal courts due to the violations of my constitutional rights . and the removal of my son , because I wouldn't comply with state case plan. I hadn't comited any crimes. as aledged, and they were throwing the book as I had. It was a criminal court disguised civil. presenting as pro se' I lost my son. deemed dependant of the state. and has been with them since July. I have no record. never abused my son or medications and still. the court ordered me to comply.

Have a great day , thanks for listening.
Any comments are welcomed...
Thank you much.
I just can't see that I was so close to my Father. (Only child syndrome) He was my bestfriend. He passed of Sysorsic , I was at his bed side till I delivered my son.
I guess grief counseling is an option. Thank you.
I didn't even get a photo album of my family . or a tackle box for my son. I was left with nothing to remember him by...
Today can be the first day of the rest of my life. Thank you

I understand your feelings, believe me I do.
I've lost too many people I love, friends, relatives, and fellow warriors who served with me during my several combat tours.

One day, I'll take that walk, too.
I'm sure I'll leave behind those who grieve my passing, as I've grieved the passing of others.
I gave away the things I wanted to pass along to my children ten years ago.
I rarely used those things anymore, and I wanted to make sure each item ended up in the possession of the person I wanted to receive the items.
I gave away a lifetime of stuff, watches, rings, firearms, lots of stuff.
My daughter thought I was contemplating suicide, as that is what some people planning to take their life will do.
After a long talk, I reassured her that I wanted to make sure she received those things, because I wanted her to have them.

I'm not faulting your father for handling his business the way he did.
I am saying that as you grow older, you might want to do the same that your child receives the things you want him to receive.

Death brings out the green, eyed monster of greed in many people.

I wanted to stop that disease from growing inside those I love.

My wife disagrees, and has instructed me to dispense her stuff, is she should predecease me.

I will do exactly as instructed, but as you know, that didn't happen when your beloved father died.

All I can suggest is see if grief counseling can help you, it helped my daughter when her husband was killed in Iraq. It also helped my grandkids adjust to life without their father.

You might want to do whatever it takes to get your child back, if that means a lousy program, do it.

I bet you'd fight a kidnapper and risk death to save your child, right?

Then do what the state demands to get them out of your lives, so that you and your kid can be back together.