Keesha Bowles
- Jurisdiction
- Kentucky
Family therapist, which is the school counselor and guardian Litem order my13-year-old son a mental evaluation . They did not have my consent nor any type of court order. Then Guardian litem order me to drug test also . When son was getting evaluated counselor stay in room and lied to evaluater and said right in from of him he tried to hang his self with a rope which was not true.. we had went to the counselor to inform her that says father had threatened him, and that he was scared of him and did not want to return to his home. They turned it around and trying to make it about me. The guardian with him went to the school and helped her do the evaluation with no consent, nor court order. went to court today over a few custody issues, and the judge did nothing about it, but told litem that he's not allowed to do that. The guardian Leitem has been convicted of three DUIs had his license suspended before and he is supposed to support my son and he has Advocator and he did not tell the judge anything that was said he opened up to him and told him everything that his father has done, and he did not say a word about it the judge. everything was about me and me not taking a drug test when he told me to within two hours they are also targeting me for getting disability trying to say that I get disability for my mental status and trying to revoke my parent rights and make me have a mental evaluation. . I have had so many false EPO's emotions out on me and they're always dismissed. My son has had many occasions where his dad's for behavior has put him in harms way. He's even physically abused him. Nothing is ever done to his father I feel like I'm being railroaded today they tell me that I had to give my son back to his father on Wednesday regardless of anything there's got to be something that I can do this is beyond unbelievable Cps has been involved million times they've investigated me I've done drug test nothing ever is found on me. They never do anything to him. Cps is not even involved this time because it's happened so many times they finally just gave up, please help me