Falsely accused of shop lifting


New Member
On 11/23/16 my daughter was shopping in St. Louis,purchased her items, which came to $187, after leaving the store she was stopped by 3 officers, who stated that got a call that she was in the dressing room popping off security sensors and putting them in her purse. Officers searched her and asked to see her receipt, which showed she purchased all items and no sensors or merchandise found in dressing room. Spoke with officers and they gave a copy of the Cad report. My question, is this racial profiling or defamation of ones character?

MOD = (removed name of store and mall to conceal your identity).
My question, is this racial profiling or defamation of ones character?

I suggest you consult a lawyer, or direct your daughter to do so.

I doubt if its racial profiling, or defamation, but even if it were both, what damages did she suffer?

She could have called the police, refused to show the officers anything, or called her lawyer.

She, according to you, allowed this to occur and cooperated with the actions of the civilians.

All she had to do, was call their bluff, remained silent, waited for the police to be called, and she MIGHT be sitting on a massive false arrest lawsuit!!!!
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. These "Officers" were they Police or were they Mall security and/or Store Loss Prevention. Your answer will dictate my reply
Ok then the "possible" false stop is on the retailer not Police. Police acted on behalf of store. the Police did not see the possible theft the store staff did and reported this to Police. any false stop claims go on store. However how is it Police were able to make stop while still at store location? Was this a mall with a Police sub station?
Ok then the "possible" false stop is on the retailer not Police. Police acted on behalf of store. the Police did not see the possible theft the store staff did and reported this to Police. any false stop claims go on store. However how is it Police were able to make stop while still at store location? Was this a mall with a Police sub station?
My question would be who actually made the call to the police, replete with the false accusations? I don't see any statement that it was the retail establishment. Perhaps it was someone else in the store calling 911. I don't feel like we're hearing the whole unabridged story.
My question would be who actually made the call to the police, replete with the false accusations? I don't see any statement that it was the retail establishment. Perhaps it was someone else in the store calling 911. I don't feel like we're hearing the whole unabridged story.

Good catch, Professor.