Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Falsely accused of sexual assault

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I have been threatened to be accused of sexual assault of a child, I have already been to prison for that crime which i also didn't commit, but this time I have proof. I have never met this person and she doesn't know me, she lives in Mississippi. Can I press charges against this person.
Right now it is just a threat but I copies of what was said, does she have to act on that threat before I can do anything, because I think she should go to jail, that kind of thing can ruin a persons life.
Is this person threatening to allege that you sexually assaulted her? And she is a person in another state whom you have never met?

How DO you know her?

What kind of proof could you possibly have that shows you do not know this person? I know I cannot possibly prove I do NOT know the President of France, so how can you PROVE you do not know the person making this claim?

Is she trying to extort something of value from you? If so, call the police. If she is just focused on you because she is delusional and saying she should call the cops on you, maybe you can call your local police and report her for your state's equivalent of harassing phone calls, e-mails, or texts (or however she is communicating this to you).
Have you been using the Internet, US mail, or the telephone to correspond with someone? If you have used a computer or the telephone there is a tell tale trail. You might have been corresponding with a 40 year old cop pretending to be a 13 year old child.

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