Falsely Accused of Selling Counterfeit Product

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New Member
I have a business with much of our sales coming from Amazon.com. We have been selling for a number of years now and have recently had an issue with the rights owner of a bottled health product. We have sold this product for over two years without any issues. Recently we decided the product was not performing well and lowered the price to dump the inventory. We then received emails from the rights owner stating they would contact Amazon and have our product removed if we did not raise the price to what they wanted. We did not raise the price since we do not have any agreements or contracts with this company. The rights owner then proceeded to contact Amazon and stated that our product was counterfeit in order to have us removed. We received a notice from Amazon that said they had closed our account for selling counterfeit products. The product we are selling is not counterfeit as we have used an authorized dealer and we have records of the transactions. We submitted the evidence we had to Amazon, though I do not believe they took any serious look into it. I have contacted the rights owner stating our situation and asked our distributor to contact the rights owner on our behalf. I do not wish to sell this product anymore, as I said previously we were just trying to get rid of it. I would appreciate input on how to convince the rights owner to contact Amazon and let them know they made a "mistake." The rights owner is in Canada and we are in the US. I would like to avoid an all out legal battle since we are not a large company. Thank you.
I have a business with much of our sales coming from Amazon.com. We have been selling for a number of years now and have recently had an issue with the rights owner of a bottled health product. We have sold this product for over two years without any issues. Recently we decided the product was not performing well and lowered the price to dump the inventory. We then received emails from the rights owner stating they would contact Amazon and have our product removed if we did not raise the price to what they wanted. We did not raise the price since we do not have any agreements or contracts with this company. The rights owner then proceeded to contact Amazon and stated that our product was counterfeit in order to have us removed. We received a notice from Amazon that said they had closed our account for selling counterfeit products. The product we are selling is not counterfeit as we have used an authorized dealer and we have records of the transactions. We submitted the evidence we had to Amazon, though I do not believe they took any serious look into it. I have contacted the rights owner stating our situation and asked our distributor to contact the rights owner on our behalf. I do not wish to sell this product anymore, as I said previously we were just trying to get rid of it. I would appreciate input on how to convince the rights owner to contact Amazon and let them know they made a "mistake." The rights owner is in Canada and we are in the US. I would like to avoid an all out legal battle since we are not a large company. Thank you.

You could contact him and tell him that defamation of your company will not be tolerated and you would like him to call amazon and clear things up instead of consulting your attorney. Good luck.
Thank you for the reply, but I was looking for a little more specific information on how to possibly gain leverage in this situation.
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