Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI False DUI in Denver, CO

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New Member
Hey Everyone,

I got pulled over for weaving in my home state of Colorado, and the officer charged me with a DUI! I hadn't been drinking, and although he wouldn't give me a breathalyzer as I asked for, he made me do a walking test, and since my balance is terrible, I failed.

I don't know what to do, now that it seems its going to be my word vs. his since there's no breathalyzer to confirm that I was COMPLETELY sober.

I searched online, and I saw that _______ comes up as a well reviewed lawyer for Denver Colorado DUI Lawyer on google. Has anyone used someone else, or have any advice at all? I feel like I'm helpless here!

Pete - Thanks for posting your question. I'm sure others will have some excellent additional advice to give you.

As of right now, calm down and hopefully this will all go away since you're apparently innocent of the charge. Did the officer ask you to perform any other test other than a "walking test?" What kind of walking test did he ask you to perform?

With regard to finding a lawyer, the Internet can be a good and a terrible place to find referrals. I had a friend who didn't call me about an embarrassing incident, hired someone after performing a Google search, and now unfortunately has more problems than he had before. Take your time in selecting the right lawyer - there is no rush in hiring one that requires you to make a knee jerk decision as a result of panic. Most will provide a free short consultation and you can get a feel for whether you are comfortable with the competence, experience and general interpersonal relationship. It is also important to check with the state bar to make sure the attorney is a "member in good standing." Some sites provide some "certification" similar to this (we only consider working with attorneys who are members in good standing) but be reasonably skeptical as to any representations other than personal experiences from people you know and trust as you would with most online marketing.

BTW - the link has been removed in connection with our terms of use, especially difficult for us due to the massive spam issues. When necessary, we do allow them.
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