False accusations/defamation of character

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New Member
Got a question about having false reports being lodged against me and my family here goes;

Recently our new neighbors have become too friendly to say, demanded to know personal information, have damaged a few of our things or when they borrowed our property it returned broken, because of this my wife and I decided to end the relationship. Upon doing this the neighbor called the police about personal property on our property, the police responded and informed the neighbors that what we doing was legal (I have a camera watching a mailbox because of past issue with stolen mail and vandalism) and proceeded to tell the neighbors to leave us alone and if we had anymore problems with them to call. Then next day animal control arrived in response to a complaint about abuse to our animals, the complaint was unfounded. I called the same officers that responded to the neighbors and they questioned the neighbor who eventually admitted to making a false complaint. The officer advised the neighbor of the penalty for making a false police report and lying to the police but did not make and arrest because they felt that the individual was truly sorry for her actions and possibly unstable. A report was made documenting her claim and I will be getting it tomorrow and I was told that I could press charges for harassment, My question is can I sue this individual for defamation of character or libel and what if they made further complaints like to child services etc? Really this is causing my wife and I stress and could possibly affect my career.

In order to have a suit you need to have damages! What are yours? Don't say stress we all have stress. In fact if that were case I could sue President Bush and Congress for stress. You do not appear to have any damages so a suit seems a waste of time and money. What you could do next time is file that false report complaint.
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