Faking Death

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New Member
Hi, I'm new here, and well here goes

My friend's ex-boyfriend,let's call him "Sam" to keep identity safe , well we think he's faking his own death. My best friend is pregnant by this guy, and her mother had done some background searching on him, to find out that he had an outstanding warrent in his name in California, so my friend sent "Sam" back there to get it taken care of. "Sam" swore he didn't know about it. Apprently within a months time, she found out he still hasn't turned himself in and refuses to work things out with him until he does so. His communication got quiet for a period of 12 days when he swore he turned himself in, when my friend had another check done on him, stating otherwise. Now his friends are contacting me stating he's shot himself and that he's dead. But have made NO attemt on contacting my friend, when she's pregnant with the guys child. I've done some searching and can't seem to find his obituary anywhere. 3 days after this guy apprently shot himself, they are still telling me when funeral services are, but YET don't contact the mother of his child. This person claims to have called them over and over again, and yet she sits at home waiting for these phone calls. The converstations aren't adding up with time frame of when this happen because after "Sam" shot himself, the friend that was with him preceaded to carry a converstation online with me like nothing had happen. We can't find any information to him shooting himself, let alone being dead.

Aren't police obligated to tell the mother of his child that he's dead?

Wouldn't friends make more than 3 attempts to call the mother of the child, that the father is dead?

Why would they wait til after the funeral to attempt to contact her, but tell me every detail that's happen or going to happen.

Can anyone please give me advice as to what to do next? We aren't buying this story, and haven't from the get go. What legal action can we do?
No, the police has no obligation to tell anyone that he is dead, unless she would be married to him (which I assume from your wording she is not). Even then the police would not "have to" do it, and only would if the police knows about it.

Now, it seems that you are being told when and where the funeral is supposed to be. Why don't you call the funeral home or cemetary and ask for the time the funeral of soandso is supposed to be. If this story is fake, they won't know what you are talking about.
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