Failure to perform Community Service - Jail or FINE (HELP)

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New Member
Part of my sentence for a recent DV case included a fine, community service (10 days/80 hours), and anger management classes with a June 26th court date to check progress (this is in Van Nuys, CA). Due to working two jobs and the limitations of availability for community service options schedule-wise, I have only been able to perform one day of community service, but I have paid my fine and attended ALL classes thus far. What can I expect when I return to court on the 26th, assuming I have not performed any more days of community service? Can I 'offer' to pay a fine in lieu of the service? Please help, thank you.
You can offer anything ... whether they will accept that in lieu of the service is questionable. Expect to be given a little more time to complete the service. It ain't that tough to do unless you are trying to play games with the court.

- Carl
Thank you for the response - bumping this back up; anybody else know the ramifications if I am not able to perform any more community service?
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