Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Failed to apper in court for DUI arrest

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: CO

Hello, I was arrested for dui and did not apper in court in CO. I have a previous offence and was hoping to get money together for a good lawer but havent been able to. I know that without a lawer I can put myself into more of an issue than I already have and would like some advise. It has been 3 months since the court date now and I need to do something, my license has been suspended. What would you recommend I do? Thanks

Sounds like you have put yourself in a pickle. Have you received any notices in the mail that you have an arrest warrant?

Assuming that you have an arrest warrant most states allow you to do a bench warrant recall. You can do this in the county or city in which the bench warrant was issued. You can call the local county or city clerks office to inquire about this procedure in your jurisdiction (if you don't want to show up and risk being arrested).

Any criminal defense attorney can also help you get a warrant recall and probably will not charge a lot to do so. But you must show up at your hearing!

As to the license suspension that is a another matter. The Department of License deals with licenses suspensions. Your license was suspended probably due to the DUI charge and/or warrent. Did you ever receive notice from the DOL that your license would be suspended?

Discliamer: This is not legal advice. Just a friendly chat. I'm not an attorney.
Thank you for your resonse. To answer to the questions posted I have not recived any notice that I have an arrest warrarnt, but I am not sure as to which address they may have sent any material reguarding my case for that matter. I do not reside at the address on my drivers license, but do have my mail forwarded to my po box. I am not certain if they forward court documents. I did however, in response to your other question, recive a notice of pending suspension of drivers license by the DMV which was forwarded to my po box. The date by which the suspension would take place has past now.

If I can hire a attorney for at least some assistance that would be good, such as to get a bench warrant. Anything else I shloud be aware of? Thanks
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