Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Failed drug court test havnt checked in since????

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Ok my bf got busted breaking into a car on the beach went to jail bailed got felony probation.then got busted in our motel with a 16th of meth in his pocket plus parafanala, scales, ext,... Went to jail for 1 day then he got bailed out. 2 DAYS LATER WENT TO SEEE P.O. she took him back in for violation of his probation 16 days in jail. Then he thretend a guy and got put back in for possesion served 4 months got released to drug court. failed 4 drug test they put him back in jail for 2 weeks and released him back to his dad and drug court. Ffailed 7 more drug test and he new they were gonna lock him back up so he didnt go to last court date about 2 months ago. Now he is clean and wants to check into a inpatient rehab program. We know he has to turn himself in, but how much time do you think hell get in county and do you think hell get prison time?

Ok my bf got busted breaking into a car on the beach went to jail bailed got felony probation.then got busted in our motel with a 16th of meth in his pocket plus parafanala, scales, ext,... Went to jail for 1 day then he got bailed out. 2 DAYS LATER WENT TO SEEE P.O. she took him back in for violation of his probation 16 days in jail. Then he thretend a guy and got put back in for possesion served 4 months got released to drug court. failed 4 drug test they put him back in jail for 2 weeks and released him back to his dad and drug court. Ffailed 7 more drug test and he new they were gonna lock him back up so he didnt go to last court date about 2 months ago. Now he is clean and wants to check into a inpatient rehab program. We know he has to turn himself in, but how much time do you think hell get in county and do you think hell get prison time?


First of all, you in the dead broke state of California.
California is releasing drug abusers and addicts due to overcrowding of its jails and prisons.
Your boyfriend should enter a rehab facility.
He should complete it, and behave himself.
After he has been "rehabbed", he should contact his former public defender and make arrangements to turn himself into the authorities.
He should get bail and stay out of trouble until after his adjudication hearing.
If he is still clean at the hearing, presents proof of "rehab", and shows he's working; he'll probably get put right back onto probation.
In other words, if he does everything the CORRECT way, stays out of trouble, and stays DRUG FREE; this is "small potatoes"!

He will never do so much as a DAY in jail or prison, usually.

If things go very, very wrong, he won't fare much worse!
The MOST I suspect he could get will be a 90 day sentence (Lindsay Lohan STYLE), which means he gets out in less than 14 days!

OMG are you serious? Are you a lawyer or judge or something? Yea he has been doig really good and he is working for ADCS alcohol drug care services full time. I thought he was going for at least 8 months. Personally I think jail has made him worse because now he knows all these people who could care less in gangs like HCG ect... I think small time drug offenders who are obviously addicts need a really strict inpatient rehab program. At least attempt to educate them and help them get better.
He isn't clean.

He has failed to respond to the leniency shown him so far. I would expect him to serve at least a few months based upon what you have said here.

It is amazing to me that a guy like this can even have a girlfriend. Do yourself a favor and move along before you get caught up in it.
OMG are you serious? Are you a lawyer or judge or something? Yea he has been doig really good and he is working for ADCS alcohol drug care services full time. I thought he was going for at least 8 months. Personally I think jail has made him worse because now he knows all these people who could care less in gangs like HCG ect... I think small time drug offenders who are obviously addicts need a really strict inpatient rehab program. At least attempt to educate them and help them get better.

OMG, yes, I'm serious.
Were you seeking a comical answer?
Anyhoo, I am a lawyer or something.
This dude isn't going to do more than a couple of weeks, and that is ONLY if he's very, very unlucky.
But, as you know, he's a very cool, hot, and lucky dude.
Heck, he's got you for a girl, right?
So, he'll be right there, doing what he's been doing!
California is reluctant (in these harsh economic times) to lock away drug addicts.
After all, as we both know, none of this is HIS fault, right? :rolleyes:
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