Assault & Battery Facing a Battery Charge

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I am facing a battery charge, first time offense, which involved pushing my coworker at work after she provoked me by verbally belittling me and punching my arm. Unfortunately, my pushing, which resulted in her falling to the floor, was on camera, while her punching me was not since we were just outside the office when that happened. The detective in charge says he believes the D.A. will pursue the complaint, although my coworker waited 9 days after the incident before filing. So, apparently, the cops could show up at my door, arrest me, and take me to the detention center for processing. My concern is that I get back out of jail ASAP, on my own recognizance. Can you offer any advice for me on how to make sure that happens? Thank you in advance for your help!
Getting out of jail depends on your prior record.
If your record is soiled, stained, and filled with arrests and/or convictions, then you might want to consult a bail binding agency today.
That way you'll know what they'd charge to spring you.

Nevada offers a number of ways an individual can be released.

A Judge can release someone "O/R", which means on their own recognizance, or require "S/O/R" (a supervised form of release), or the Judge can allow you to post a cash bond.

Sometimes the Judge may order "House Arrest" or may feel it is necessary to order some form of supervised release, along with a cash bond.

The most common form of release is a cash bond. In the State of Nevada, almost all crimes are "bondable", meaning the arrestee is entitled to a bond. Of course there are always some exceptions.

Here's the bail schedule, as an example, for Las Vegas: Bail Schedule September 2011 (2).pdf

As you see, bail for battery is $2,000.

It could vary in other counties.

A bonding agency charges about $200 (guessing with fees, maybe $250).

But, check with the county jail, they'll tell you what a battery bond costs.
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