Criminal Law F-1 visa, misdemeanor charge

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Foreign student on F1 visa for four years, recently arrested and charged with Petit theft at Lee County. No previous history.

I know that this charge is no grounds for deportation but am wondering if I would have trouble coming back into the country even with a valid visa and my records "expunged". Will they challenge me at the airport during re-entry?

I was also told that a diversion could be equal to a conviction..what would be the best way to deal with my case?

This is my first time ever being arrested, I've always been a good student, great relationships with my peers and teachers.
The BEST way to have addressed this would have been NOT to steal.

Who knows what ICE will do these days?

Ask them, and see what lie they tell.

They could use it, if they wanted.

I doubt that for a nothing charge they will.

Your best bet is a diversionary program, unless you can fight it and get acquitted!!!!
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