extreme carpal tunnel from previous job

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New Member
I was told by someone in my situation that they sued their company for their carpal tunnel injury. So I am seeking legal help in the matter.
I asked repeatedly that I not be placed into the position at work that caused my hands to hurt as bad as they did but that request was ignored. I worked in a lab doing necropsy and histology work. The necropsy is what caused my pain. I asked only to be in the histology section of the department because of the pain in my hands and it did no good. I started seeing a hand therapist but was placed into necropsies on most of the days I had therapy, even though my boss was given a copy of my therapy schedule. The pain that I get is mostly in my hands but on it's worst days goes straight up my arms.
Can I do anything about this?
Direct your case to a lawyer personally so that your case be assessed accurately and your options identified.
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