Extradition from USA To India?


New Member
Hello All,

I hope everyone is well, I need urgent help as I am not sure where this might be headed. So due to privacy reasons I have kept my name anonymous. But I would like to tell about my case. I was married in India Punjab 4 years ago, I found out my wife is having affairs so I came back to USA and my ex wife filed for divorce from India to USA so the case of divorce started in USA court and our divorce got approved and the case went to my favor because she failed to provide evidence and answers to questions. So 2 days back I got a letter from Department of Justice International Affairs that the Indian authorities (indian government) have issued a bailable arrest warrant against my mother so they have just forwarded the documentation. My ex wife claims that my mother asked for cash for spouse visa which is not true at all she has put in fabricated lies against me and my mother in the documents which are provided. We know she does not have any evidence and that she is lying but the problem is in India bribery, money, and power work there so I am wondering what if they (the indian government) provide false evidences to USA government - how can USA Government verify the evidences which are put forth? The Department of Justice letter does say though that they have no roles in this case at all and that we should contact Indian authorities directly but the problem is India does human rights violations and injustice and no constitution rights so we do not wish to answer them at all because of this.

What my question is, what are the chances of extradition? She simply blamed of insult to her and asking from her money - that is what her allegations are. But what I am concerned is what are the chances of extradition from USA to India?
But what I am concerned is what are the chances of extradition from USA to India?

HMMM Magic 8 Ball says ZERO chances, as in no extradition is in your future PETER THE PROPHET has typed it, it shall not come to pass.

Go forth, dear reader, enjoy a bountiful life.
HMMM Magic 8 Ball says ZERO chances, as in no extradition is in your future PETER THE PROPHET has typed it, it shall not come to pass.

Go forth, dear reader, enjoy a bountiful life.

Thanks Army judge - I would like to learn more about the extradition process how does it work between Usa and India
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would it have latest information though? Now I am thinking if I should respond to that documentation or not - that's my dilemma

Yes, true :) do you think I should still seek a international lawyer