exemption for a felony in 1980?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Florida

Hello everybody, I am in desperate need of advice:

I was employed by a company that does fingerprinting, drug testing, etc. Unfortunately, the fingerprinting brought up 2 arrests from 1980 and 1982; possession of a controlled substance. I lost the position, but was told by my immediate supervisor and by the head of the Human Resources department that they would hold my job for three (3) weeks if I can get an exemption, or a waiver. Wow!!! They certainly didn't have to do that!!

The letter of disqualification that accompanied the FDLE record states:

"The law states that no exemption is allowed if the offense is a felony and the date of disposition is less than 3 years prior to the date of disqualification"

It also states: "The licensing agency will consider rehabilitation, the circumstances surrounding the incident, the time period that has elapsed since the incident, the nature of the harm caused to the victims and any other evidence that demonstrates you will not present a danger to others if employment is allowed." The job is dealing -indirectly- with disabled children and adults.

Does this mean I am eligible for the exemption? If I read that right, the felony had to have occurred within 3 years from the date on the letter, correct? This happened soooo long ago, and those are the ONLY offenses on my record.

This job is very important to me. Any and all input is appreciated. How do I go about getting this exemption/waiver? Do I go to the courthouse? I really don't have the funds to hire a lawyer. Please help! The clock is ticking......
Thank you,
I'm not sure, but this sounds more like a case of internal hiring practices by the company. By this, I mean, it seems that you won't be given a waiver by the courts, but by the company itself through its administration, or by some branch of government.

The licensing agency

Do you need a license for your job? If so, then perhaps they are the ones that will grant you the waiver.

I would contact head of human resources, remind them who you are, and ask to whom to apply to for an exemption.
ok..yes! As a matter of fact, the last sheet of paper did have the address for the Agency for Healthcare Administration, Background Screening Unit, in Tallahassee. I will contact them.
Thank you! -)
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