Ex-Wife's rights revoked but she still emails my kids

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My ex-wife's parental rights were revoked about 10 years ago, meaning that my she has no more rights when it comes to my kids than my nextdoor neighbor does. However, she has started sending emails to my 17-year-old daughter, which are confusing her and causing her psychological trauma. I want her to stop. What are my options? Can I get a restraining order that prevents my ex-wife from sending emails? These days, I have a hard time keeping track of what emails my kids get, because as soon as I shut one email address down, they can create another one on any number of free sites.

My daughter will be 18 in October, after which time there's not much I can do since legally she will no longer be a minor. But I want to keep her away from my daughter for as long as possible.
You can try to obtain a restraining order ... or, you can cut your daughter off of the internet until she agrees to comply with your rules.

Basically, without a court order, your daughter's mother can e-mail your daughter the same as the neighbor can. Unless the content is somehow unlawful, there's little you can do absent a court order.

- Carl
Also perhaps its time top restrict your childs computer acess if she is going to contact mom, and punish her for doing so. When she turns 18 there is nothing you can do but until then, she should obey you. But a restraining order is the only way to go for now.
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