Ex-roommate still a bother

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My situation is this: I lived with two other girls from June 1st 2009 to May 31st 2010. Things did not go so well and one of the girls stopped paying her bills. Because this story will be easier if I give out something, her name is "M". I am still Torchy, the third roommate is A. I still live with A, just in a different place.

As I said, M stopped paying her share of the bills. She owes A and I already quite a bit of money...we're not going after her because lawyer fees are more than she owes us. However, there is an issue with the gas bill.

All of us moved into the apartment at the same time, however M insisted on putting her name alone on the gas bill because she had some outstanding fees on her previous gas bill from her (solo) last apartment. We said this was fine, and with much struggle and reprimand she paid those. Near the end of the lease she stopped paying her section of the bill again and seemingly by magic my name and A's name also appeared on the bill. We did not put them there, we did not agree to have them associated. We think either the landlord put it there or the company just did it because they saw we were paying our share and assumed. Neither had permission.

Now, we've all moved out. A and I have tried to not have contact with M. But she still owes nearly $500 on the gas bill, and I got a phone call stating that we all owed it. When we moved out, we addressed this situation with M, and she told us (we have witnesses, we have proof) that she would call the gas company and take our names off the bill and assume responsibility for what was owed. She has not done this, obviously.

I cannot contact the girl without stooping to low measures (fake facebook/myspace accounts); I can't mail her, I can't call her (no information). I had to contact someone with some legal clout to get my name off the bill (they called in and told them to remove my name) but since the company has been told not to contact me, I figured it best not to contact them and be sure my name is truly no longer associated with the account. The gas company has confirmed several times the only thing that needs to happen is for M to call in and tell them to remove myself and A (or now maybe just A, who knows) from the account. A and I cannot just call in and say "take my name off the account, that is not mine." We've tried.

This could potentially be ruining mine and A's credit. If it goes to collections, I don't want to hear about it; it's not my debt, I paid my bills. Is there a way I can get law enforcement or someone to contact M and tell her to do this simple thing? I don't want to be a stalker but she needs to do this!
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This is not a criminal matter.
The cops don't care.
You can pay this off to make it go away. Yeah, it ain't right, but it damn sure is easier than what you've been doing.
The thing is, if I do that...it will be a legal matter because I'm sick of paying her bills and after that the total will be nearly $1500 that she owe A and myself. I'm sure it would hold up in court as I have sufficient proof she owes us, and I wouldn't need to hire a lawyer (unless that friend of mine would help me for free...not likely); I've been avoiding because lawyers are expensive. If I pay for her again, I'll end up trying to find her anyway to serve her legal papers or whatever.

What would be easiest is if I could find a way to contact her, actually. I have an email...she never responds and I don't want to resort to spamming her inbox with "CALL THE GAS COMPANY!!" messages. I mean, I'm not a complete moron. I KNOW I could just pay up...I'm just pointing out that it's a last resort instead of a first. I'm through paying for her screwing up. I want her to take responsibility for her inactions.

Basically, what I'm asking is if there is a way to contact her without resorting to things that could be considered harassment. Now, I've watched enough Judge Judy and I've seen that people who often claim they've been harassed by ex-significant others, ex-roommates and/or family members they can't stand over bills and money they owe often do not get away with such excuses. They get the "It's not harassment if you owe money!!!" routine. However, should this become a problem, I will not be going on Judge Judy and I don't want her saying I harassed her. Is making a secondary facebook/myspace she hasn't blocked just to email her harassment? Is sending her an email a day until this is fixed harassment? What about calling family members and asking them to pass on the message? I don't dare meet her in person without the police around because last time I told her to pay the bills she got physically angry with me...to the point of punching a hole in a door and then telling me I was lucky it wasn't my face.

So, like I said...I don't want to pay this bill. Vindictive or not, that witch doesn't deserve a break, not on my dime.
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Torchy said:
The thing is, if I do that...it will be a legal matter because I'm sick of paying her bills and after that the total will be nearly $1500 that she owe A and myself. I'm sure it would hold up in court as I have sufficient proof she owes us, and I wouldn't need to hire a lawyer (unless that friend of mine would help me for free...not likely); I've been avoiding because lawyers are expensive. If I pay for her again, I'll end up trying to find her anyway to serve her legal papers or whatever.

What would be easiest is if I could find a way to contact her, actually. I have an email...she never responds and I don't want to resort to spamming her inbox with "CALL THE GAS COMPANY!!" messages. I mean, I'm not a complete moron. I KNOW I could just pay up...I'm just pointing out that it's a last resort instead of a first. I'm through paying for her screwing up. I want her to take responsibility for her inactions.

Basically, what I'm asking is if there is a way to contact her without resorting to things that could be considered harassment. Now, I've watched enough Judge Judy and I've seen that people who often claim they've been harassed by ex-significant others, ex-roommates and/or family members they can't stand over bills and money they owe often do not get away with such excuses. They get the "It's not harassment if you owe money!!!" routine. However, should this become a problem, I will not be going on Judge Judy and I don't want her saying I harassed her. Is making a secondary facebook/myspace she hasn't blocked just to email her harassment? Is sending her an email a day until this is fixed harassment? What about calling family members and asking them to pass on the message? I don't dare meet her in person without the police around because last time I told her to pay the bills she got physically angry with me...to the point of punching a hole in a door and then telling me I was lucky it wasn't my face.

So, like I said...I don't want to pay this bill. Vindictive or not, that witch doesn't deserve a break, not on my dime.

Your idea will buy you lots of trouble.
You're not a moron, according to you, so follow your own advice.

She doesn't care that she screwed you.

She knows she can whip your @ss, so why should she care? People like that never care.

I'll be here when your ideas backfire!!
Your idea will buy you lots of trouble.
You're not a moron, according to you, so follow your own advice.

She doesn't care that she screwed you.

She knows she can whip your @ss, so why should she care? People like that never care.

I'll be here when your ideas backfire!!

My ideas thus far have not backfired, so please stop being so condescending. I had a question a while ago pertaining to the same roommate and some crap the landlord was trying to pull upon move out, and the advice you gave me then was unhelpful at best and wrong at many points. I know this because I got fed up and went to a practicing lawyer who was able to explain to me why what was going on was illegal and saved me a lot of trouble; which, for as arrogant as you are acting, was something you could not do. Maybe it's just because it's online, who knows? Every post I've ever seen from you has always been to the tune of "you're screwed" instead of a much more useful "here's what you can do that's beneficial." You should consider trying to change that. When people come on this site they're looking for real help, real advice, and real options. You aren't providing that, you shoot down ideas without offering alternatives, without offering practical solutions. It's kind of like when you go to the doctor and they can tell you everything that you don't have, but can't tell you why you're sick either. I understand in the law there are fluctuations by jurisdiction and a whole host of other things making it complicated, so keep in mind I'm not mad at you. I'm just dislike how you're putting me down when you aren't offering any reasoning behind why I'm wrong, nor are you offering an alternative besides the "too bad" one. The law is supposed to help, not hinder, the innocent. I know "expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian," but your solutions are patently unfair and if the system is just, it would agree with me. Keep in mind, for all my ideas backfiring...I've already had one person with legal expertise call the gas company and get my name off the bill. I'm asking this for A since he was not able to speak for her and therefore unable to ask for her name off the account.

So, I guess I will follow my own advice and not yours. My biggest advice to me is to not use this site and go to a real lawyer. Thanks!
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Torchy said:
My ideas thus far have not backfired, so please stop being so condescending. I had a question a while ago pertaining to the same roommate and some crap the landlord was trying to pull upon move out, and the advice you gave me then was unhelpful at best and wrong at many points. I know this because I got fed up and went to a practicing lawyer who was able to explain to me why what was going on was illegal and saved me a lot of trouble; which, for as arrogant as you are acting, was something you could not do. Maybe it's just because it's online, who knows? Every post I've ever seen from you has always been to the tune of "you're screwed" instead of a much more useful "here's what you can do that's beneficial." You should consider trying to change that. When people come on this site they're looking for real help, real advice, and real options. You aren't providing that, you shoot down ideas without offering alternatives, without offering practical solutions. It's kind of like when you go to the doctor and they can tell you everything that you don't have, but can't tell you why you're sick either. I understand in the law there are fluctuations by jurisdiction and a whole host of other things making it complicated, so keep in mind I'm not mad at you. I'm just dislike how you're putting me down when you aren't offering any reasoning behind why I'm wrong, nor are you offering an alternative besides the "too bad" one. The law is supposed to help, not hinder, the innocent. I know “expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian,” but your solutions are patently unfair and if the system is just, it would agree with me. Keep in mind, for all my ideas backfiring...I've already had one person with legal expertise call the gas company and get my name off the bill. I'm asking this for A since he was not able to speak for her and therefore unable to ask for her name off the account.

So, I guess I will follow my own advice and not yours. My biggest advice to me is to not use this site and go to a real lawyer. Thanks!

You're so screwed.
I'm sorry you don't like to hear the truth, but again I will point out the last time you gave me advice you were wrong as well. So forgive me if I take what you say with a grain of salt. If you don't like it, fix it. Be proactive! I was...I didn't listen to you and it helped me out!

If you can't offer anything up as an alternative, why dole out your opinion?
Torchy said:
I'm sorry you don't like to hear the truth, but again I will point out the last time you gave me advice you were wrong as well. So forgive me if I take what you say with a grain of salt. If you don't like it, fix it. Be proactive! I was...I didn't listen to you and it helped me out!

If you can't offer anything up as an alternative, why dole out your opinion?

You're wonderful. Everything will be just fine. You shouldn't waste your time seeking free advice. You're wonderful.
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