

New Member
I went to court today .. the apartments that I stay in filed a case against me for July's rent .. I lost my job in June and wasn't able to pay rent for July so I had to go to court today but no one from the apartment office showed up so my case was dismissed .. what exactly does that mean? Do I still have to pay it? Or not?
Do I still have to pay it?

It means you dodged a bullet.
It means you can stay in the apartment you're renting a little while longer.

Yes, you still owe someone the rent unpaid from July, and soon the rent from August.

What will happen next?

You'll have to wait and see, because only the Shadow knows for sure.
Expect to be served again and make another appearance in court. The only way to prevent eviction is to pay what you owe or get out. Having lost your job won't save you from eviction. Good luck finding new employment and getting back on track. It can be tough but is not impossible.