escrow fraud?

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New Member
Hello everyone,

First, thank you for taking the time to read this. Your advice will be very much appreciated.

I am involved in transaction buying the domain and associated hosting company. The seller did not deliver the hosting part of the business. I asked to cancel the transaction, but neither seller nor agreed on. Then the transaction was stuck for weeks and the money is still deposited on an account. I recently realized from the user account, that the seller's name and contact email address has changed to another person.

I queried escrow and their reply was: ' will not be taking any action. An owner of an escrow account can change their name or email address in the customer profile. This does not violate any term or regulation.'

The Terms of Use include this paragraph 19:
'Non-Transferability of the Services. You may not assign this Agreement or the Escrow Instructions to any other person or entity. Your right to use the Services shall not be sold or transferred to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of We may assign this Agreement upon notice to you. Any assignment or transfer in violation of this provision shall be null and void.'

Is behaving in compliance wit their own TOS? Does it make sense that my sale counterpart disappeared? I am afraid of possible fraudulent intentions of the seller. Thank you in advance for any comments.
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Thank you for your comment. Would you please recommend further action to be taken? Towards or the seller? I would be happy to return the items in exchange to my money. Your advice will be very much appreciated.
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Thank you for your comment. Would you please recommend further action to be taken? Towards or the seller? I would be happy to return the items in exchange to my money. Your advice will be very much appreciated.

You could offer that.

If that doesn't work, you probably need a lawyer.
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