Employment distress

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Hi, I am a salaried manager for a big restaurant chain. I am contracted to work 50-55 hours per week, I always work far more hours than this and do not get paid overtime. Also after making me work for a month at 12 hours a day without a day off (my days off are usually always canceled) they tell me my job is on the line because i'm looking tired. I am supposed to get a 7 day paid vacation every 6 months. I applied for it and was granted it, they then took it down to 5 days and now I am not allowed one. They constantly threaten my job even though I never receive any customer complaints in fact its quite the opposite. I am always made a scape goat and when things happen that are not even on my shift and I am not in the building I am the one who gets wrote up and threats for my job are made again. My general manager will screw up the labor costs during the day leaving me with no cooks and only one server to cover the labor costs and I will again get documented on how poor labor was for that day. This is not my fault but I get the blame all of the time. I am the lowest paid manager in the whole of our area and others. I can't call human resources because she is best friends with my district manager and has refused on many occasions to deal with anything against her. All other managers are allowed to take smoke breaks whenever they feel like it, but because I don't smoke they expect me to not have one. I am forced to do paperwork of the other managers because if it is not done then again I get documented even when it is not my work load. On top of that while I am doing everyone else paper work I have to do it in the office or on the counter out front. Because I am doing their paperwork I can't give my best time to the customers so they document me for that as well. I am really stuck here and they are always making me feel like dirt because I never seem to do enough even though I have the workload of 3 people. The district manager is now commenting on my weight telling me I look untidy I have actually lost 80lbs since i started to work there and am on an active diet and excersize routine and have been for a while. Any time I bring this up at a meeting they push it under the table and do not take any notice unless its again to blame me for something I didn't do in the first place. I really don't know what to do I can't quit because I need my paycheck and they know this can they treat me like this? Am I allowed to have days off to spend with my family without having to feel like i'm not going to have a job to go back to? Are they allowed to make these nasty comments to me even though I am loosing weight. Can they fire me because I look tired because they wont let me have time off? Are they allowed to force me to work more hours than agreed on without compensation.
you might want to check your employer's handbook to see if they have a policy. i am not finding anything to fla or us dol that regulates the number of consecutive hours or days worked

a thought that comes to mind, that if your health is being affected by the excessive work hours, talk to your dr. your doc may be able to put you out on a brief fmla leave to rest
if you have a serious health condition, example depression from working so many hours, etc. or a health condition that already exists that is exacerbated by the excessive hours of work, your doc can either put you out of work for a period of time or make recommendations to the number hours per day/week that you work


they cannot fire you for using fmla
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