Employment Contract

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New Member

I am thinking of resigning in my current company, my location is philippines. the problem is i have signed a contract that states this

Period of employment - this contract of employment shall be valid, and effective on 22nd of january 2007 unless terminated by the employer for a cause.
"Employee should complete a three (3) year contract unless terminated for a cause, otherwise, the employee shall pay all the training costs (local and Foreign) that the employer expended for the whole duration that the employee is connected with the employer."

I havent gone through any training. Do i have the choice to resign even im under three years with the company? Can i resign?

your legal advices will be very much appreciated...

thank you and more power
I don't believe anyone here is familar with Filipino employment or contract law. You would need to show your agreement to a local attorney.
No, I can't, since I know nothing whatsoever about law in the Phillipines.
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