Employer Deceitful on Benefits Eligibility

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New Member
Good afternoon,

Upon being hired in December 2008, I was informed by my managers that I would have to wait until the next open enrollment period in order to sign up for the company's part-time benefits. It was said that the next enrollment period was November 2009.

It is now November and I am unable to sign up for the part-time benefits. After calling the corporate office, I have been told that I was eligible to sign up within 30 days of being hired, and then again during a different enrollment period in July 2009. I was told that the enrollment period of this month is for full-time benefits only.

Throughout the course of this year I have been persistent in asking for and about part-time benefits, only to be given incorrect information in a manner I can only assume is purposeful. According to corporate, I will have to wait until next July if I wish to have any benefits.

I was not given any paperwork to waive these benefits.

Do I have a case or options? I have not had any QLE (qualifying life events) which would allow me to change this outside of enrollment.

It is probably in your best interest to discuss with an employment law atty in your area. Most will offer a free consultation. However, deceitful management being the norm, don't expect them to be forth coming with any accurate info with what was offered to you.
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