employee lied and getting away with it

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New Member
Can I file a defamation of character or a small claims suit against an employee who wrote a false statement about me, saying that I had told her (the employee) that I was going to stab another employee with a skirt pin, and I was going on say I fell on her, and that she "saved the employee by telling the employee".. This is supposed to have happened years ago. I have been employed at 28 years at this job. I have an excellent work history, i.e. never been written up, good job performance, etc.

Background history: I filed a workplace bullying complaint (harassment) against this employee and the supervisor, and both were asked to write statements. The supervisor wrote that I had been sent home from work because I wore a blouse in which my breasts were showing. This didn't happen either. All of this happened about 11 months ago, however, it is still bothering me that someone can write lies about you and nothing be done about it.
:mad: :(
Since you do not mention any damages, I would say you have no case.

There are thousands of posts similar to yours so I have prepared a standard answer:

Get a lawyer.

Invest $20K and three years.

Sue the bad people for defamation.

If you win, expect them to keep doing it.

If you lose, expect them to keep doing it.

Stand by for other opinions.
Employee lied and got away with it

I feel the damage is that she wrote this statement in behalf of an ohio civil rights commission charge I had filed against her and the supervisor. She submitted this letter and now it is part of record, which is public information. I feel this false information can damage my character or question my creditability if some one were to read this, and I'm not able to defend myself. :mad: :mad: :mad:
You cannot sue anyone for the "whats if's". If you find that you are having trouble getting employment, or you were fired and you can prove it was because of her statement, and you can prove it was false, you might have a claim.

Do you still work there? Have you tried settling this with HR?
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