Employee abuse/ abuse of power.

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to whom it may concern:
I have been an employee at my current job for about 2 years now. On several different occasions my boss has yelled at me, screamed at me, thrown things at me, gotten in my face and defaced my character in front of other employees. Sometimes even to the point of bringing me to tears. He shows me no respect, he does not respect my opinion, He'll belittle me in front of the other employees and just overall upset me. He will yell at me for other employees mistakes, or whenever something isn't right and I have nothing to do with it. I don't know what to do. Is there anything I can do? I don't have any particular instance cataloged, but there are times when I'm almost afraid to go to work. I also recently (within the last 2 months) had a very close friend of mine pass away whom I used to work with at my place of employment and even though on several different occasions I've told my boss I need some extra slack, or I need some space to breathe for a minute he will continue to disrespect me, and or not give me the space or slack that I require. Is there anything I can do to get my point across? Please help.
Throwing things at you (depending on what they are) MAY be attempted assault. For example, if it was a few papers, that would not be; if it were a chair, it would be. Other than that, none of what you mention is illegal. Unprofessional and rude and uncomfortable working conditions, yes. Illegal, no.
visit your doctor and discuss it with them. begin to document the effect it is having on your health. workplace abuse is a viable workers comp claim for, in the very least, a psychological injury due to your work enviornment.
i was diagnosed with ptsd, post tramatic stress disorder from my abusive work enviornment and the fact that my direct supervisor threatened to hit me with his fist while i was in training. he has been at the company for 35 years and he knows everything, and never question his judgement, get the picture. anyway, i was in training for about 2 months and i have - or should say had - a 25 year career in my field, so in learning the position at the new corporate site, i would ask questions, which sup was not able to answer. apparently my knowledge base was out of his scope and he was not able to answer my questions. he would get infuriated with me, on a regular basis, and when he came into my cube for another one of his 'training sessions' which i learned to dread, he was so frustrated with my questions in trying to understand the way things are 'done there' he raised his fist at me and was ready to strike.
anyway, go to your doc and begin to document the effects it is having on your health, physically, emotionally and psychologically. have your doc keep very detailed records of the abuse you are undergoing. they may at some point refer you to an psychiatrist or psychologist for evaluation, which is good, the more they can document what is happening to you, the stronger basis you have for a workers comp claim. your doc may give you fmla for stress/anxiety/depression associated with the workplace abuse, and your employer cannot fight that. :eek:
Defamation of character and violation of civil rights

I need for someone, perhaps an attorney to give me an honest answer pertaining to the following:
I was a former law enforcement officer and I lost my job in 2003 after a being employed for nearly 6 1/2 years because of malicious and false allegation from the department's public officials.
I belonged to a police fraternity yet I was denide reprensentation because the fraternity deemed that my situation was a civil matter not criminal yet the chief of the department per the mayors consent addressed a memo stating that I could face criminal charges pertaining to their allegations. Ultimately I hired private counsel who represented me in an arbitration hearing that was held at the department's city hall. From the very beginning the arbitrator demonstrated affinity and partiality towards the mayor and his staff who attended the hearing. The arbitrator to no ones surprise awarded the decision to the department.
My attorneys advised that the decision came of no surprise because of the way the way the arbitrator handled himself throughout the hearing.
I contacted F.D.L.E and asked if my certification was denied and was told that I still held a valid certification because the agency did not find that I commited any crime. My situation is that since 2003 I've applied to six different departments and all have denied employment because of the false and malicious allegation from these officials.
I have sufficient evidence to substantiate that I am speaking the honest truth and that this department and it's officials have outwardly obstructed me from further continuing my career in law enforcement. I just want to know what choices do I have and who can help me. At the present time I'm not employed and making any further attempts to seek employment with any other law enforcement agencis would be futile. The defamation and malicious allegations from these public officials has cost me and my family alot of pain and suffering not to mentioned the toll it has taken on our lives. Please advise if I have an alternative and who would take the opportunity to guide me or give me some needed help or advise on this sensitive matter.
First of all, I am new to this forum and I have no idea how it works so if you are referring to my last posting I apologize but trust me I ment no harm. I just registered recently and posted something so that someone could give me an opinion about my situation.
Somebody will if you start your own thread.

'yeah, somebody will help you, not patricia, but that all encompasing 'somebody'...

i didn't check mandy, were you able to start a new thread on this, if not, i will respond here to you, i am not anal...:nuts
I 'm a bit puzzled, I haven't had any recent replies however I've had 128 viewers of my posting. I guess no one is really interested of my situation and I gather no attorneys either. I shouldn't take this at heart, but one thing is true, no one really cares about the sufferings of others till it happens to them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your employer has created a "hostile work environment." That is actionable. Go see an attorney and he/she will file an EEOC harassment claim for you.
Your employer has created a "hostile work environment." That is actionable. Go see an attorney and he/she will file an EEOC harassment claim for you.
I am thankfull for your first advice pertaining to contacting the EEOC, however your second comment sounded a bit contradictable and rather innapropriate for a lack of a better word.
First of all let me repond to your second comment about me having to fix what I did myself. I know deep in my heart and in my conscious which rests in peace that I didn't do any of what the department officials alleged. Secondly, I made great sacrafices by paying my way though the police academy not to mention the fact that I was working full time as a corrections officer and at the same time attended the police academy that was approximately 150 miles away, 2 1/2 hours of travel time. And third, why would I have gone through such lengths and sacrafices to achieve these goals to ultimatley throw it all away. Why would I have risked a good paying job with a family to support over some false and malicious allegation, doesn't make sense. The problem is that no one really cares of the sufferings and misfortunes that other people endure until ones finds himself in such a perplexing situation. I have truly lost faith in the judicial system which governs us because it is the same system who has betrayed us. I for one have experienced firsthand how evil and vindictive people can be. How can an individual that lacks integrity outwardly lie at will regardless of the concequences and the harm it may cause. An individual who lacks moral concepts, who has been known by public records for lying under an investigation from a former department and ultimately was given the alternative to resign or be fired.The old proverbial saying that " shit roles down hill " is an understatement of the truth. The truth is that " shit comes from up hill " and if you've listened to the news as I've had there is always some public officials in the spotlight. Public officials whom abused the system and whom betrayed the trust of the people whom appointed them. Public officials whom committed fraudulant acts such as, embezzlement, money laundering, etc. and got caught. So that you understand, it's not always what one makes out to believe. Remember there are two versions to a story and only one is the real truth it is how you interpret it. I haven't given up because I have faith in God and even though it's painstaking and alot to endure I feel as though one day the odds will eventually turn in my favor, I am a firm believer of that.
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