emancipating myself.

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New Member
i've read many posts in this forum about emancipation and whether they are eligable. and i would like to know the same thing also.

i'm 16 years old living in Kansas. I moved here this year after living with my mom in Indiana, my mom's house was always tense. Plus she was never home. and I could no go back there and live. Its just a bad place. So I moved here. I live with my father and step-mom. My step mom is mentally and verbally abusive, she only has negative things to say to me, and constantly puts me down. And a couple of times has physically abused me but never to where there were marks. And she verbally abuses her three children, about physically abusing them, and when she "spanks" them with a belt. she just hits them whereever the belt lands, and leaves welts all over their bodies. and i just dont think that i can live here anymore. I currently dont have a job, but i have interviews set up. and i have a place to stay, if i were to leave. but i need to know whether or not i should bother with the emancipation. my dad got emancipated from his mother when he was 17, but i'm not sure any of my parents would conset to it, is it possible for me to get it without their consent?
please help me.

I am aware that it is extremely hard to get emancipated, but I'm willing to try. I am fifiteen years of age, and currently living with my Mother. Our daily life is constantly battling. Verbally, we hurt eachother. And it's no better with my father. Our biggest stress is Religion. I am completely unable to understand why I am such a lapdog for my mother. Her boyfriend puts me down, all the time - and I am hurt by this. I start my job in two weeks, and I am unsure I can live here any longer. I know the needs of it to be able to support yourself 100%. I want this, more then anything. I cannot live with the stress of battling someone whom I thought loved me....but doesn't. Or doesn't act this way, anyways. I'm emotionally hurt, and unable to comprehend. I need much more information on emancipation then I already have. Please, if you will.
- Tyne.
I can understand your pain and stress of battling with someone you thought loved you. It probably happens to a lot of people,and may very well be a part of growing up...but it shouldn't have to be to the extent of any kind of abuse. Maybe there's a lot more to their side of the situation,have you tried to calmly ask them? If you never get an appropriate response there's got to be another adult relative or confidant that would want to help you out. Explain to your parent(s) that you're not happy and they can't be either so you need to find an alternate solution to the problems that you're all having. Until everyones making an attempt to fix whatevers broken or has fixed it, nothings going to seem better. Running away from something and/or someone that may need your help more than you realize might only make you feel better,what about others that are involved? Once you see that there's a problem wouldn't you want to try and help instead of running away from it? Living on your own might seem like the best solution right now,but it shouldn't be. If emancipating yourself is the option you see best fit for yourself then you should probably look into the child labor laws and see if you will be able to make a decent living from your wages. I'm guessing you won't. If your parent(s) agree to separate with you,I doubt they'd be helping you out. So when things get tough on your own who are you going to have to turn to for help? Think of emacipating as never having anything to do with someone ever again in your life no matter what. Thats a pretty big bridge you want to burn so just remember,once you burn that big bridge it's going to be very hard to get back to the other side. Be smart about it,do all your research into every aspect of what you want to do to see if it really is the right choice for you. Being a teenager is probably the most confusing time of your life. By looking at others or being in a situation and getting that feeling that something isn't right is called your conscience. Use it wisely. At least try to help make your familys situation better by using any of the numerous resources available for help in those situations. If it doesn't work out then maybe your parent(s) really don't deserve you at this time of your lives but make sure there will be a chance to have that later on in life. I wish you all the best.
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