ebay fraud?

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New Member
i bought an item through ebay, the title was "XBOX360PREMIUMBOXSEALED THIS ITEM IS STILL HARD TO FIND". the description listed the features of an xbox 360 console, and at the bottom it said "you only get the box...", i assumed the seller meant XBOX by "box". i paid for the item through paypal for a total of $437.95. i thought i was getting an xbox, not just an empty box. is this fraud?
biglarry84 said:
i bought an item through ebay, the title was "XBOX360PREMIUMBOXSEALED THIS ITEM IS STILL HARD TO FIND". the description listed the features of an xbox 360 console, and at the bottom it said "you only get the box...", i assumed the seller meant XBOX by "box". i paid for the item through paypal for a total of $437.95. i thought i was getting an xbox, not just an empty box. is this fraud?
Of course it's fraud. And if the description didn't list an empty box then it had to have an item that fit the specifications inside. Common sense should tell you that thinking you can get away with a fraud like this one should be just as effective as selling pirated software and using the "disclaimer" that it is for "entertainment puposes only." It's fraud. Whether you can get your money back... well... I wish you the best of luck. It's usually not so easy.
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