Consumer Law, Warranties e-commerce. Change of terms and conditions? what to do?

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I made my first deposit on a website offering self-improvement programs in January and at the time the rules were clear, in case of cancellation, up to $500 could be held by the company. And that's the deal I signed for.

Today, since, it's impossible for me to do a program with them before a long time, I called them asking for a refund, according to the T's and C's in effect when I made the first deposit.

That's when they tell me that their T's and C's have changed and they don't offer any refund now, and they'll just hold my money till I'm able to do a program with them.

This sounds unlawful to me, since they didn't inform me when they changed their T's and C's.

So I want to know, can they really do what they are doing? what can I do to get my money back. I've already given them around $2700

thanks for your help
When did they change their terms of service? I assume this is T and C (not sure what C is.) What you might want to do is tell them that you will sue them in small claims and report them to the atorney general if they don't return your money. Furthermore, if they took credit cards you may want to mention that you will file a fraud complaint. Did you get this information in email? It's helpful to have a written record/statement of this company as to their unscrupulous practice.

Thanks for the reply, I was almost losing hope...

I just got off the phone with one of their people and he told me that "If you really want your money back, you should probably find yourself a job cause I can do nothing for you here"...

He made a lot of false claims about how they're in their rights to hold my money.

I didn't read your post before the call otherwise I would have used your advice.

I don't have a written evidence of their denial, most of the exchange happened through Skype(Call).

Since I didn't do a copy of their Terms of service back when I made the first payment, and they didn't send me one either, they try to use that fact against me.

I made one payment, through my credit card (for $1K) and two through Paypal (~$1800)

What can I do? I worked really hard to get that money, and I don't want to lose it.

I know I'm in my right to get it back but I just don't know what to do...
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