Drug Dealer

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New Member
Hello. My best friends boyfriend left her and their son when the baby was 4 weeks old. He is a drug dealer, doesn't look like one and keeps things low key, but a drug dealer nonetheless. Will he be able to get visitation being a drug dealer, and if the drug dealing is brought up in court, will he go to jail? He isn't interested in being in the baby's life. He says he does, but his actions prove otherwise. He has seen the baby 4 times since April. He doesn't want to come across like the deadbeat he is. He figures as long as he says he loves his son, that that's good enough. He has mental issues, has stopped taking his medication on 3 different occasions, the most recent being when he left his ex-girlfriend and son (9 weeks ago). He is suicidal as well. Is it possible for him to not get visitation at all or if he does get visitation, could it be supervised? If in a couple years he says hes taking his meds, is not suicidal and selling drugs anymore, how easy will it be for him to change his visitation to see his son more? The baby is now 13 weeks old. My friend also has proof that he is suicidal, a drug dealer, and inconsistent with taking his meds. They have it all documented with his therapist. Thanks so much. Any info would help.
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