Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Drug and Alcohol testing

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New Member
I have a trespassing/disorderly/resisting arrest charge that I am going to get cwof with 6 months drug/alcohol testing plus fines. I was wondering during this time how intrucive probation is going to be with my life. I know I will probably be on colors and be calling every night, but will they be coming to my house, or contacting my work? I work off the books for a construction company, so I don't know if I should say I'm unemployed or working. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to court in a week to accept my fate, which was this or plead guilty to 2 charges and only get fines.
I know I will probably be on colors and be calling every night, but will they be coming to my house, or contacting my work?

I'm sorry, but probation varies wildly not just State to State, county to county, but also Judge to judge, P.O. to P.O.
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