Driver Hands Deputy a Monopoly Get Out of Jail FREE Card

army judge

Super Moderator

CHISAGO COUNTY, Minn. — When a Minnesota deputy pulled over a driver during a traffic stop last Friday, March 24, he didn't expect to get a "Get Out of Jail" card from Monopoly.

The Chisago County Sheriff's Office took to social media about the post. They said the driver handed him his driver's license, along with the card that says "this card may be kept until needed, or sold."

"Unfortunately the state of Minnesota does not recognize this as a valid document," the department said. "Points for the effort and humor though!"

The post has since gone viral with over 2,000 reactions, 400 shares and over a 100 comments on Facebook.

Minnesota driver tries to use 'get out of jail' free card |
If you're going to pull a stunt like that you have to hope the officer has a sense of humor. Some don't, in which case the encounter starts to go downhill from there.

That is funny although the Clinton's and Biden's one works pretty well.

They didn't use a monopoly card to deal with their legal problems. They used good lawyers. Trump, on the other hand, seems to attract the worst lawyers, and we are seeing the effect of that playing out now.