Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Drinking law exceptions

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Illinois

I was wondering if there were any exceptions to Illinois Drinking Law as it pertains to marriage. I am 21 and my wife is 20, but as far as I know she cannot be in bars past 9. I know wisconsin has exceptions for family and married couples, so I was hopeful. Any other drinking exceptions for married couples would also be nice. Thank You.
As the New Year gets started, many people are making resolutions that involve improving their health. During Health Awareness Week we are reminded of the importance of our health and well-being. The 3,000-year-old practice of Chinese medicine...
Cancer develops when cells in one part of the body begin to grow out of control, often leading to invasion of other tissues, either directly or by traveling to other parts of the body where they begin to grow and replace normal tissue through a process called metastasis.
If you already smoke or chew, quitting can protect you from further damage from tobacco. It can be very difficult to quit, however. Talk to your doctor about ways to make quitting easier
Another live version can be found on the Ian Dury & The Blockheads live album Straight From The Desk, though much of it is not the song but Ian Dury introducing the band and their respective solos, with only the first half of the song and a repetition of the title at the song's climax included
I have known people that smoked it regularly and they could barely function. It is more dangerous than drunken driving. At least with alcohol you have an idea of how much can be consumed and how long to wait before driving. I prefer to drink at home and go to bed and leave the car in the garage.
Instead of alcohol, some people prefer to drink carbonated goat urine, and pretend its beer. However, I do not recommend this.
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