DPOA Revocation, undue influence, demented grandmother and aunt, deceased mother

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I am a resident of PA whose mother predeceased her mother (my demented grandmother) by well over 2 decades. My grandmother has just turned 90, lost her 2nd husband (of 38 years) less than a year ago, whose only son/heir predeceased him by more than 2 years. My aunt, who appears to be demented herself (she is 71, and bursts into emotional tirades of paranoia ["you're out to steal everything valuable] at anyone she takes a mind to do so, including her spouses (she is on #3 now), her mother, who she accuses of causing HER considerable anguish, her deceased sister [my mother], myself, and my immediate family), has sole control of Grandma's assets (what is left of them, that is [originally, she had a 6 figure estate, but God only knows what it is now], paid CASH [along with her husband] for a $200K home, along with the appropriate fees, and she was bankrupt, divorced, with a menial job history prior to meeting her current husband. Grandpa's deceased son supposedly fathered a son by a woman he never married, who, a mere MONTH prior to Grandpa's death, flies from CA to get a SIGNED DPOA, 2 days prior to his being put in an assisted living facility where he died a month later, then, after Grandpa's death, produces a will with a shaky set of INITIALS in MAGIC MARKER, dated 5 DAYS after the SIGNED DPOA to this alleged grandson. Said grandson evicted Grandma from the marital home, saying the 1970 Antenuptial Agreement disinherited her (it was signed the day prior to Independence Day, their wedding day/anniversary), and she had, along with me and my husband, 15 days to move out. We gave up an apartment (broke a lease to do it, and we were living there with her to take care of her needs [we paid 2/3 of housing costs, took her where she needed to go because of her blindness, and did various things to help take care of the premises/house], not to mention using our income tax refund of well over $1000, plus part of my husband's paycheck, to move into a room in the basement, with kitchen and bathroom privileges in the house). We also had to store many of our belongings, had to listen to my aunt threaten us with eviction from the premises on a regular basis (no one owns the house at present), and Grandpa was on round the clock narcotics for his terminal cancer when he signed the DPOA, which was used the next day after it was signed to empty safe deposit box, and numerous, healthy, bank accounts. 3 sets of lawyers are involved (grandson, aunt, and grandma all have lawyers), and Grandma's lawyer firmly believes that a guardianship should be involved, but I have no income, my husband's income is barely enough to pay basic necessities of life, and my aunt blocked my taking Grandma to 2 doctors who could tend to her needs, including the need for an evaluation to begin the guardianship proceedings. I have been branded a thief, a liar, abusive (Grandma physically injured me on more than one occasion, causing me temporary physical incapacity, and my aunt body-slammed me at the visiting hours for Grandpa), and my mother, long deceased, was branded the "bad" daughter because my existence was the reason my parents were forced to marry each other, a circumstance my aunt was a major causative factor in; she has only one adoptive son, who lives in Baltimore, and avoids his maternal family unless there is a need for his presence, usually to make my aunt proud of her "thoughtful" son. Now, if I want to see Grandma in the nursing home, my aunt controls the circumstances under which I can interact with her, my co-agent status as DPOA has been revoked, and I am fairly certain that my inheritance has been either greatly diminished, or erased entirely. Any suggestions as to what I can do? I have brought pro se actions before the Court to have the revocation overturned, but was told I had no standing.
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