Doxxing - is it illegal?


New Member
So my neighbor has a history of shooting cats, and he tried to shoot at mine the other day. I looked up the law in my state and technically it's legal to kill or injure a pet if it's trespassing on your property. However, it is illegal to discharge a firearm in the city limits. For the time being, I've resolved myself to keeping the cats inside, even though the HATE it.

Anyway, I was very upset and published his information (name and address) in a local forum warning people in the neighborhood about him. Well, he and his wife found it and are now threatening to get a lawyer involved. It's honestly not news - everyone in the neighborhood knows about it.

Nothing I said in the post was inaccurate - I merely stated that he was shooting cats (but of course was pretty mean about it). Did I do something illegal? I've found so many conflicting articles on the subject.
What you've done could cause you trouble, and cost you money to defend it.
Something need not be illegal to cause you harm, or cost you money.
It's never wise to post your opinion of others where it can be tracked back to you.
I suggest you stop worrying, and wait to see if you're sued.
If you're sued, hire a lawyer to defend yourself.
If you're sued in small claims court, it won't go anywhere because small claims courts wouldn't be the venue where this type of matter is pursued.

Posting his name and details is what likely set the feline hater off.
In the future, make your point simply by not shaming and naming.
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