Assault & Battery Domestic Violence

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New Member
Charges are pending against me for Domestic Violence- misdemeanor, my brother who is 6'3 and weighs 250 lied to police and said i hit him in the face. Cops said I would receive a summons from the state, I was never asked to give my statement and was given no paper work the night of the incident and was very stressed out so forgot to ask for anything, but I also did not sign anything. Well now I'm trying to submit my statement and I'm being told that the state cannot talk to me and the clerk telling me i can't file anything till charges are filed. My brother was also high on drugs the night this happened and not 1 of the 3 officers there could tell his was on anything, but after he left my house went to my other brothers house and caused an bunch of arguing and got one of his kids up (who is 25) and they went out and did more drugs together. I am 50 yrs old and have only been in trouble once in my life about 15 yrs ago for paraphernalia and these officers didn't even care to listen to what I had to say, I was having chest pains and blood pressure was highly elevated and was told either I go to the hospital or I go to jail. Then they started searching my house without my permission. The problem is that it was just me against 3 police officers and I was scared to death. I am a female and my brother has 90lbs on me and I can't believe they actually think I would hit him especially while he's strung out. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Consider it removed. Although I will say that is exactly what I was told by the cops when I was in a similiar situation. "Tell it to the Judge" So, I did, it was dismissed, and never appeared on my record. The ex cannot say the same though ;)
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