Assault & Battery domestic violence

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i was charged with assault 4th domestic violence. I found out my boyfriend of 15 years slept with the house keeper. In the past month i was diagnosed with a rare tumor which is cancer and am scheduled for surgery on the 20th of may. I am on depression , pain, nerve and anxiety meds. The girl called his cell and told me about the incident and i yelled at him and slapped him leaving a scratch on his face. our child called 911 because she was scared. The police arrested him and i for the same charge. he did not hit me or touch me at all. I was told not to be within 500 foot of him. We want to work through this. he has taken a weeks vacation for my surgery to care for me and our daughter what should i do?
Contact an attorney and see if you can get the order lifted temporarily, or, modified to allow for peaceful contact.

If he is subject to the same order, his presence could result in his arrest. If he is arrested, then your mutual child may well be placed into protective custody (CPS and foster care) if you are laid up and he is in jail.

- Carl
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