Dog bit another dog

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We have a very peaceful, friendly dog. He takes unintended "abuse" from young children without any reaction. If he thinks a person is hurting another person (like while wrestling or something) he grabs a wrist and growls, never snaps or bites. He runs at dog parks often, and if he sees other dogs start fighting, he sticks his nose in and breaks it up. He loves other dogs. They can even eat out of his bowl with no reaction.

There are a pair of neighbor dogs who aren't socialized at all and who snap at him and try to bite his face him every time they're near him. After a few incidents, our dog did start snapping back..."self-defense" if such a thing exists in dog world.

Our dog is ALWAYS on a leash, and 99% of the time, in our sights. Today, my boyfriend put him on the leash out back, went to get the mail out front, and returned immediately to the back door where the leashed dog was waiting to be let back in.

Unbeknowst to us, in that brief time, he had broken his leash (rusted due to the vast quantities of melting snow lately), gone into the other neighbor's yard, the dogs got into a tussle, and the other dog suffered a minor puncture to his neck. No stitches or anything. The vet cleaned it and gave him pain meds.

Only a teenage daughter was home when it happend, so she panicked and called 911, who came with animal control.

The police officer said it wasn't severe at all, and actually acted like he thought they were making a big deal, but he had to do his job. The animal control guy called it a freak accident and seemed to think that as long as we go apologize there wouldn't be a citation. The neighbor did tell the officer that our dog's lead was attached to him and that as soon as she yelled at him, he stopped immediately and retreated.

They commended us for obviously being very responsible dog owners, for adopting a stray, for the heavy leashes they saw, for proof that the dog has annual check-ups and is up to date on everything, including shots, his license, etc.

How serious is a first offenses like this? Is it still recorded as a first offense if no citation is issued? Even if it is, is it weighted less if no citation is issued?

I'm not concerned because I think he is a problem animal in any way. I'm concerned because fluke accidents are the story of my life. :)
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Just Making A Point!

Of course self-defense exists in dogs' world and good for him for not standing there timid when his face is about to be rearranged and I think it is safe to add 'Preemptive Strikes' and "Don't-let-this-pretty-face-fool-you" to the list of doggy traits. The little rascal not only can defend himself, he can also mix it up with the best (or worst) of them in their own back yard in order to make a point for future references. Atta boy!

But you have nothing to worry about and there has not been a strike recorderd against you since the melee was between dogs, but things would have been quite a bit different had your dog picked a fight with a person, or worse still, a child, which is why the police and the animal control showed up so fast when the neighbor's kid panicked and called 9.1.1.; that maybe it was the kid who was attacked. But he sounds like he is a good, sociable dog, so no worries there either.

On a personal note and for what it's worth; you and your boyfriend have my most sincere thanks, appreciation, and admiration for adopting and giving a home to a beautiful animal for which I have a very soft spot.

Good on you!

I'm sorry for the delay in response. I was really ill.

Thank you very much for your response and on the kudos. We're huge animal lovers, especially dogs, and will ALWAYS adopt. I wish more people appreciated what wonderful, loving pets the unwanted ones actually are.

The animal control officer painted a much bleaker picture, but your response is closer in line with other things I've found on law sites. Those say that a dog would have to do severe damage to another dog to even be cited and one tooth hole that didn't even require stitches clearly isn't severe.

We had him at a dog park yesterday where he was running circles with a pack of about six dogs when two broke out in a fight and most of the others jumped in. I panicked and said "Where's [our dog]?!?" I was so busy scanning the writhing, growling jumble that I didn't even notice that our dog had removed himself immediately and had already loped halfway across the park back to where we were standing. How I wish I had a video of the whole thing.

Thanks again. Your response makes me feel much better.
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