does workman comp cover prior injuries?

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New Member
I had surgery in December and the healing process is not complete, but I am able to walk and conduct my daily job responsibilities.

I need to have physcial therapy 2X's per week and follow up appointments which I am able to cover with accumulated sick leave.

Three days ago I was on a playground (work for a school)
and my foot began to swell. There was an increasing amount of pain and when I got home I realized it was a bit more serious.

Anyway, would I qualify for workman's comp?
I would like to receive it as I would not have to use sick leave for the additional doctor visits.

Unless you can point to a specific incident that occurred at work that caused a re-injury to your foot AND your State WC reg's make employers liable for aggravating pre-existing conditions (not all do), then this is not WC.

Just because your foot happened to start swelling at work does not mean it's work related. You're free to file a WC claim with your employer and see what happens however.
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