Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Doctor Shopper here

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Wow, this is the hardest thing I've had to admit in my life.....I WAS a doctor shopper. Back last Feb. I had severe case of bronchitis, which my PC gave me 3 fills of Tussionex. I continue to have the same legit symptons for the next month or so but he wouldn't refill it any more. That's when my hell began......from last Feb until Halloween I doctor shopped, I mean badly, I was several walk in clinics and several doctors to get my tussionex, using every pharmacy under the sun, and all with my insurance minde you, not too bright huh. By summer I didn't need for legit reason, I just knew I felt better taking it. Halloween weekend I decided enough was enough and I was through. I am a stay at home mom of 4 wonderful kids, and I knew what I was doing was right, but I didn't fully realize the full scope of actually Dr. Shopping, after doing some major researching, I understood what I was doing. So, for 3 long hard days, I detox myself, quite cold turkey, and have been clean for 3 wks now. I NEVER want to put my body through that again....it so wasn't worth it. I "thought" I was a better mommy while on that crap, I was always in a good mood, but of course I know better. On my last "clinic trip" I was caught, I think. The doctor came into the room and asked me point blank if I have been seen for this recently, stupidity I said no, he again asked me, and still said NO. Then he said he had my prescripiton history and it showed lots of tussionex prescribed. I about died......the drug seeker finally got caught. He wrote me a script for a antibotic and asked me where I worked, I said I didn't I was a stay at home mom. He handed me the script and I said thank you and left. It didn't dawn on me until later that night he probably called the law on me. I've google until I can't type any longer and realized I will go to jail for this......so here are my questions:
1. What are the chances I will be arrested for this....meaning will a warrant be issued and can I be arrested at my home while my babies are home?
2. Should I check if I have a warrant by going to the police station?
3. Should I turn myself in first. * KNOWING I DID WHAT I DID AND I AM SORRY
4. I have a spotless record........never done anything remotely criminial.............
5. Will I actually have to go to jail??????
6. How long does it take a warrant to be issued that I can check, the thought of being arrested in front of my kids is enough to make me turn myself in a heartbeat!
7. I am clean now.....would I still need to go into treatment?
8. Or what I pray above all.....nothing will probably happen to me, this was just the smack in the face I needed.

Thanks for listening!
I apologize for being so lenghthy but I am so scared..........as I should be. I WAS WRONG! And I know this has been said before, but I whole heartly mean this.....I WILL NEVER EVER DO this again.
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Unless you have been charged with something, you should stay put and consult with an attorney on the side in the event charges are brought up against you.
Re :

FNN showed footage of a man presumed to be Kim Jong-nam entering the neurosurgery ward of a Paris hospital and leaving the hospital about two hours later. FNN also showed footage of journalists asking Kim about his father's disease and condition, and Kim keeping silent.

Two days later, the French doctor who was presumed to have spoken with Kim Jong-nam went to Charles de Gaulle International Airport in a sedan belonging to the North Korean mission to UNESCO in Paris, the channel said. Asked if he was leaving to treat Kim Jong-il, the French doctor said, "I'm going to Beijing."

Can you give any more info about the specific circumstances? Like, where you getting the same meds or type of med from both docs? Where the meds narcotics? How exactly did this happen?
California Nursing Homes
I would deff. consult my attorney just in case. DO NOT:no:call the police department and turn yourself in and admit to nothing. In the event something does come up that could be a great plea deal for your attorney. Also Great job on getting control of yourself and putting your family first. We all have done stupid things and just didnt get caught at some point in our life. So be proud of yourself and put all this in the past:):)
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