Do i have to pay bank overdraft fee ?

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New Member
We were interested in buying a mobile home, the owner of mobile said that we would have to fill out application and be approved by the lot management first, we said no problem, We filled out application, i put our savings account account number insead of checking, savings had no money but checking had more than enough, i pulled money from checking and put it in savings but the bank took the money to pay overdraft, so i call lot management and tell them im working on my bank issue but still intersted in mobile home and to bare with me..she says ok... the owner of property went and sold mobile home to another couple, and told me that lot management told her we were not interested...the mobile home was sold on monday june 24, the lot management tried to pull out money for application on Tuesday june 26, so over drafted us again i called mobile home owner and ask her if she told lot management the mobile home got sold on monday she said i have to pay for ovedraft?
If you don't want the bank to close your account, you'll pay it. Do you have to pay it? You don't have to do anything.
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