Divorced - father refuses to pay for braces

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Divorced 8 years, both in Ca. Father refuses to pay 1/2 cost of dental work on 12 yr old daughter. I (mom) have full custody and have just about finished paying for the braces and associated dental work to the sum of @ $3,500. My county office for family matters tells me that the only route to recovery is to take him to small claims. Is there any other way to recover the 1/2 dental costs, or is small claims my only option. Negotiating with him goes nowhere.

Thanks in advance!

My court paperwork states: Both parents will have the right to authorize emergency medical/dental treatment for the minors. The mother will authorize non-emergency medical/dental care so there will be no unnecessary duplication of medical/dental procedures. Both parents will be responsible for payment of one-half of any un-reimbursed medical/dental expenses incurrred for the minors.

In one part of our agreement it states: In excercising joint legal custody the parents sall share in the responsibility and confer in good faith on major decisions concernting the health, education and welfare of minors.

One more note my daughters teeth were not a small defect. She also has to have laser surgery to remove excess skin in her mouth that pulled her front teeth to where they were sticking out.
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What does the court order say about him paying for medical expenses? If it is not court ordered you may not get any money out of him.
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