Divorce issues

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New Member
My ex-wife refuses to have the divorce finalized. We have been split since 2004 after she was caught cheating. We have (2) sons and I am currently unemployed due to driver's license being suspended due to arrears of child support payments.There have been several incidents of violence against me since we split which were reported to law enforcement.
The divorce was filed by her in 2008,where her attorney submitted false accusations to the court to include I was commiting adultery and making $17 an hour when I was unemployed due to her lying to the woman I was dating at the time causing lies and problems which led me to being dismissed.
Since the temporary order was issued in August 2008, I have made several attempts to have the divorce finalized, but unles I can afford a lawyer then no help. I have been unemployed,child support payments adding up and no closer to getting the divorce finalized. What can I do to get the divorce finalized eventhough I can't afford an attorney and have the child support payments adjusted?
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