Corporate Law Dissolution of Partnership and Intellectual Property

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New Member
I was invited to be a partner in a early-stage start-up after working as a consultant. The founder refused to sign a partnership agreement, but agreed to proposed terms over email. During the time I was a partner, my input to develop a business plan and a prototype website was about 85%, while he, having poor English and web skills, input little. After a couple of months and turning what was only a 2 page word doc into a functional website and complete business plan, he began acting irrational and it became clear to me he was simply using my labor and didn't actually want me as a partner. He even admitted that he was going to file for 2 patents and not include my name on them, even though I had suggested the patents and their general definitions. So I resigned and asked him not to use material I had developed, since it was my intellectual property. He has refused to comply, and insists I was not his partner and only an independent contractor. But after agreeing to become his partner I never billed him, and we carried on as partners. What's my best course of action at this point? Should I file for a cease and desist order to shut down his website, so he will be forced to start taking me seriously?
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