Dispute With Neighbours

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A couple of weeks ago a member of my family walked our dog past one of our neighbours house, their pitbull dog then forced open the front door and attacked both my family member and the dog. The police were called and a report taken and (apparently) the dog was taken away.

The hospital and vets bills were given to them and a verbal agreement was made that we would be reimbursed. They've now backtracked on that and said I need to speak to their lawyer as the dog belongs to her husband who is away on military duty and has effectively said she is not responsible.

Luckily everyone is ok now but I don't feel I should be responsible to pay the bill. Does anyone have any advice what I can do?

Thanks in advance
Dog Bite Dispute With Neighbors

I know that each state has different laws concerning animal control issues-particularly Dog Issues- So I'm sure that others who are more knowledgeable than I will ask if you can post which state you are in.

I Too have been suffering with unrelated dog and neighbor issues- My first thought on your post is to ask if the attack happened ON the neighbors property or on the Public street or sidewalk? Additionally, I would think that if it happened On private property, and if this woman is Legally Married to the supposed dog owner, that would make the dog joint property-a dog is considered Property- which would make her jointly liable for damages...again I may be way off base on this but that is My understanding. If the attack happened on public property then she/they would still most likely be responsible because of a leash law violation-failure to control the animal-and again if they are legally married she would be jointly responsible.

Try contacting your local animal control and see if they have any insight into the situation, you can also find out if this animal has been responsible for previous attacks. I would send a certified letter stating exactly what happened, who was present, and the end result. Include copies of the bills and clearly state under what grounds she/they would be responsible for the expenses incured. Give them the opportunity to reply & if they fail to do so I would file a small claims suit against them.

I am certain others will be along who might be able to give you better directives, or perhaps even more specific guidelines to follow, but I truly do wish you the best of luck with a fast and effective resolution to this!
thanks for your reply.

The police were called at the time, the dog was taking away by animal services. Speaking to the other neighbours I understand this is the third incident with the dog - one of the others resulting in many stitches for a neck wound.

The dog was in the house but then got out and the attack happening on the sidewalk.

We've now decided to get a lawyer to send a demand letter for the costs, then if that still doesn't work we're taking them to the small claims court.

It just annoys me that these people think they're a law to themselves and have no responsibility for anyone around them.

Thanks again
The dog was in her legal possession and she did not have it properly restrained. Your family member was on a public sidewalk and I don't know of any city that does not have a leash law of some type. Contact animal control and ask what the law is for your city and where to find the law.
Next, send her a copy of the law return receipt (find it and get in writing) , and tell her you will be taking her (not her husband) to court if she does not pay the bills. If the bills are in the range that your state allows for small claims, then file a small claims law suit. Good luck and post back to tell us what happens.:)
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