Disabled by extreme( unwanting)excessive force from police officer NYS

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Police use of excessive force

Is an off-duty police officer allowed to work at a bar/nightclub in which patrons are consuming alcohol ?
What law do you imagine exists that says they may not? A municipality might or might not have a policy on moonlighting, but if you are envisioning a law that expressly forbids police officers from having a second job if there are patrons consuming alcohol, I think your expectations are a bit misdirected.

And what has this to do with excessive force?
Disabled from unwanted excessive force used by police officer

Are off-duty police officers allowed to work at bars/nightclubs where patrons are consuming alcohol ?
Are off-duty police officers allowed to work at bars/Nightclubs where patrons are consuming alcohol ?
Oh, for the love of Pete.

Yes. Barring a municipal statute or policy that expressly says otherwise, off-duty officers are allowed to work at bars/nightclubs where patrons are consuming alcohol.

I hope that this is now clear to you.
Are off-duty police officers allowed to work at bars/Nightclubs where patrons are consuming alcohol ?

Within 90 minutes you received three answers, yet you spammed the topic with the same question three times.
That behavior isn't tolerated.
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