Desperately need any advice

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New Member
My husband and I have recently seperated. He has told me that he was cheating on me with another woman and was leaving the children and I. My husband is a disabled retired air force veteran and recieves VA disability benefits, social security benefits, GI bill benefits, etc, which is all based on his disability and his dependents (me and the children). Since he has left, he has sent me money but it is never enough to cover all of the bills. He also has taken the only reliable source of transportation we had and refuses to help me when it comes to transportation issues.

Our apartment lease recently came up for renewal and he has stated both verbally and in writing that he would sign the new lease. Last night our lease expired and he is now stating that he will not sign the new lease.

I recently found out that he and his mistress are renting a house together.

I am a stay at home mother of three , ( ages 12, 6, and 1 ). I don't have a car , I am broke, and soon to be homeless. I am scared , hurt, and I don't know what to do. I am pretty much desperate for any help or advice. As far as I know , seperation or divorce papers have not been filed , nor have I been served with any legal documents.
You should call around to legal aid or to an attorney that might be able to help you pro bomo, or petition the courts to bill him for legal fees.

Your days of being a stay at home mom are over. You probably are going to have to get a job and ask that he contribute to child care as well.

Do you have any friends or family you can stay with incase you lose the apt? I would be calling around to attorney's to see if anyone can help you file for divorce and ask for temp. spousal support, and child support.

Good luck
(Advice from website) Each state has factors that are applied to each individual case and division of marital property such as military retirement is based on those factors. That is why it is imperative that you hire an attorney who is experienced in military divorce.

(My advice) Get a divorce lawyer immediately who has a background in military matters and ask the lawyer if the husband is can be ordered to pay the lawyer's fees.

(Advice from website) Start by calling your local bar association, and ask them for a list of divorce lawyers in your area who specialize in military-related divorce situations. Some lawyers who specialize in military-related divorce situations advertise on the Internet. Many lawyers offer free initial consultations. Take advantage of that. Interview several lawyers and choose the best one for your particular situation.

Do check out this website for more answers and make sure and go to page 2 of that webpage after reading page 1. There are also many links to more questions and answers.
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