Desperately need advice

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My wife took my 4 year old son and left 4 days ago without telling me where she was going and has not contacted me. She took all of our camping equipment with her and she did not take our vehicle, so I suspect they are with someone else. She has a criminal record dating back to 1990 of forging, embezzlement, driving with a revoked license, pointing a gun at someone, computer fraud, etc. that I was unaware of until just last year. She has been writing checks that I did not know I had since June forging my name, taking the mail from the mailbox before I saw it and hiding bills that I had given her money to pay. Recently I tried to use my debit card and it was rejected. When I called the bank, my account had been frozen because I was $1200 in the red because of bad checks she had written. She had found my debit card and pin # and used it on the internet on on-line gambling among other things. The bank wanted me to prosecute her because of the forgery, but I told her if she would stop I would take care of it and we would work it out. Checks keep coming back as I'm speaking. I work 3rd shift, so when I awoke Tuesday and found a note that she was gone with our son, I was stunned and devastated. I went to the police who said at first they could file a missing persons report, but the next day they changed their story. I have filed a police report so that the bank can prosecute and have retained a lawyer who just today gave me the papers confirming that I have temporary custody of our child. We have been searching for three days. The police say they can do nothing but wait until she shows up to serve the papers. I'm concerned about my child...I don't know who they are with..could be someone she met on the internet. She's not a responsible mother. She loves him, but she doesn't take care of him properly, no routine meals, snacks instead of meals, baths are rare if she has to give them and he's allowed to stay up as long as he wants. He's a very good child, and I'm afraid that this is going to leave a lasting impact on him since he and I have always been very close. How can I get someone to help me locate them before its too late. My child is the most important thing in my life and I must find him before something happens to him. The police won't cooperate.
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My wife took my 4 year old son and left 4 days ago without telling me where she was going and has not contacted me.
Depending on state law this may not be criminal (and I don't think you mentioned your state). In California, it might not be a crime just yet, depending on all the details.

She has a criminal record dating back to 1990 of forging, embezzlement, driving with a revoked license, pointing a gun at someone, computer fraud, etc. that I was unaware of until just last year.
Not entirely relevant to the situation at hand.

When I called the bank, my account had been frozen because I was $1200 in the red because of bad checks she had written. She had found my debit card and pin # and used it on the internet on on-line gambling among other things. The bank wanted me to prosecute her because of the forgery, but I told her if she would stop I would take care of it and we would work it out.
Kind of hard to prosecute a spouse for forgery since she apparently obtained funds she would have access to anyway. Unless the laws in your unnamed state are unusual, most assets in a marriage will be considered as joint possessions. She might be guilty of kiting bad checks, but (depending on state law) may not be liable for forgery or theft from you in any way.

The police say they can do nothing but wait until she shows up to serve the papers.
That's true. She can't be held liable for a court order she knows nothing about.

How can I get someone to help me locate them before its too late. My child is the most important thing in my life and I must find him before something happens to him. The police won't cooperate.
Since it appears she has not yet broken the law (though if she remains in the wind, she might) the police may not be able to help. You might consider the services of a private investigator who specializes in the tracking of missing persons.

And, what state is this in?

- Carl
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